Common Stunts and Tricks Pulled by Insurance Adjusters

by Tim O’Hare

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According to the Texas Insurance Code, one of the roles of an insurance company is supposed to be to promptly and fairly resolve claims. We pay insurance companies to cover our losses in the event of negligence, but there is always a conflict because insurance companies do everything they can to pay as little as possible on claims.  If you think insurance companies try to be fair on claims, you are sorely mistaken.

When the insurance company is all about the bottom line, it isn’t uncommon to see insurance adjusters being completely dishonest.  Sad, but true.  This is not to say all insurance company employees or adjusters are dishonest, but I have seen more than my fair share of dishonest or unethical conduct during my years of fighting insurance companies.  Here are a few examples:

  • An adjuster for a well-known, nationally prominent insurance company goes to visit the injured person in the hospital, and gets the injured victim to sign a settlement release for pennies on the dollar on what the case is worth, before the victim even knows what their medical expenses will be, while on heavy pain medicine, with no family members in the room.  I’ve known of this happening multiple times.
  • An adjuster claimed they spoke to a witness to a car accident who stated my client was at fault in an accident. After tracking down the witness in this particular case, I found out the witness did in fact talk to the adjuster but told him the other party was at fault in the accident, not my client.  An outright lie.  Even the witness got angry.
  • In an auto accident where the defendant runs a red light and T-bones my client, the insurance company claims my client is 30 percent at fault because their insured had “control of the intersection,” only offering to pay for 70 percent of my client’s property damage.  I’ve seen this multiple times from multiple insurance companies.  Not a single time has this ever held up in court, but it did force my clients to have to file a lawsuit — just to get their cars fixed.
  • There have been multiple incidents where an insurance company throws away damaging photos they took (damaging for their side), where they “lost” video tapes showing their insured at fault, not my client and multiple instances of destroying documents that prove the liability of their insured.

Do not leave your fate in the hands of representatives of companies who care about nothing but the bottom line. Their slogans are nothing more than advertising catchphrases. Don’t take my word for it, ask around at work if your friends have ever been mistreated, misled, or deceived by an insurance company.  There is a reason lawyers who fight insurance companies exist, and it isn’t because insurance companies treat everyone fairly but there are just a bunch of greedy lawyers out there.  If you have an injury claim, don’t risk handling it on your own. Hiring an attorney is a must if you want to be treated fairly.  Make a free phone call to us for a consultation on your case. Hiring a personal injury attorney to handle your case will protect you from being taken advantage of by the insurance company, insuring you are fairly compensated for your losses.

If you are looking are looking for a personal injury attorney with integrity, who will take the high road on your case, contact the experienced legal team at The Law Offices of Tim O’Hare. We will help you receive all due compensation for your injury or loss.

Call The Law Offices of Tim O’Hare for your FREE Case Evaluation 

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